New Techniques for Bookbinders

I'm always thinking, "what if?"

And there's nothing more exciting than finding someone to collaborate with who is just as curious. 

For the last two months, bookbinder Peter Geraty and I have been meeting on Sunday afternoons to experiment with new laser-cutting applications for bookbinders in preparation for the Guild of Book Workers conference, Standards of Excellence, in Minneapolis, October 17-20, 2018.

In this post I share with you some of the techniques and samples we've been preparing. This is just a fraction of what we have worked on, so if you are coming to the conference don't forget to check out FreeFall Laser's vendor booth.


engraved acrylic die for embossing leather


laser cut parchment


engraved acrylic dies for embossing texture in
Japanese paper (above) and relief printed paper (below)

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